Our History

ATHCO-Engineering A/S in retrospect

With over sixty years of experience in the industry, we have developed a clear business structure, making us a strong partner when dealing with heat recovery for your company.

What is now known as ATHCO-Engineering A/S started back in the late forties. The lack of resources opened up a new market for recycling, that was utilized by two hardworking engineers from “De Danske Mejeriers Maskinfabrik”. In an old dairy on Parcelvej in Kolding, Waldemar Lauritzen and Erik Nielsen founded Elektrogeno that marketed itself on repairing used machines.

The foundation in all of ATHCO-Engineering A/S activities has always been to service the process industry with equipment that fully lives up to the high standards of the trade.

Our story began in 1947

Waldemar Laurtizen and Erik Nielsen founded Elektrogeno in an old dairy in Kolding, Denmark. The purpose of the company was to repair used reapers.
The production of stainless tanks and process equipment was commenced. These products became rapidly a huge succes
The production was steadily growing, and the space became an issue. Better facilities for the company were found on Fabriksvej in Kolding.
Elektrogeno was transformed into a public limited company (A/S) at a time where the American company, DEC International, had financial interest in the company. The first spot welding machine was installed and the manufacture of farmyard cooling tanks was started.
Elektrogeno continued to concentrate their efforts on the spot welding technology, and further investments were made to increase the production machinery. 
The spot welded plates were called “Thermoplates” (now pillow plates).
Elektrogeno changed its name to DEC Elektrogeno A/S.
The company was sold and re-emerged as Genodan A/S, which was later known as Gadan Kolding A/S.
Niro A/S – a large customer – bought its way into the company and created the company Niro Combi A/S.
ACO Holding A/S (a private company) took over the majority of the shares, and the name Niro Combi A/S was replaced by ACO-Engineering A/S.
A larger modernization and renovation of the production machinery were started, e.g. a new lasercutting machine was installed .
ACO-Engineering and ACO-Service moved together at the premises in Kolding.
ACO-Holding A/S took over alle shares of the company.
THP-Engineering GmbH and ACO-Engineering joins forces and adobt a shared name. ACO-Engineering A/S is therefore replaced by ATHCO-Engineering A/S