Flue Gas Condensation

Flue Gas Condensation

Cooling and flue gas condensation of the moisture in the flue gas gives huge gains in heat recovery of up to 25%.

The flue gas condenser is a direct heat recovery system, which recovers heat from flue gas and transfers the heat to district heating water or other liquid streams that need to be heated.

The heat exchanger consists of thermoplates mounted parallel to each other. The flue gas runs from top to bottom between the plates and the liquid runs from bottom to top inside the plates.

Condensation will occur on the cold surface of the thermoplates and the condensate film will continuously flush the plates.

The free flow on the flue gas side ensure low pressure drop and continued drainage of the condensate.

The high thermal efficiency and large strength of the thermoplates lead to a compact condenser with low material consumption and thereby a low CAPEX investment. The condenser will be typical be built in corrosion resistant materials as SS316L or SAF 2205. As the condenser is a fully welded construction, the need for maintenance will be very low and OPEX costs are kept at minimum.

Field of application

  • All processes with the presence of largeamounts of dust in the discharge air (suchas spray dryers)
  • Typical industries: Food, diary, chemical,wood, incineration plants air preheating,paper and textile industries

Product Advantages

The most obvious advantages of the Plate Bank heat exchanger are listed below:
  • Maintenance-free in dust loaded air
  • No expensive shut-downs as cleaning isdone during normal production throughthe dedicated CIP system
  • Investment with short return of investment
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Compact design and simple installation
  • High thermal operating efficiency due tohigh heat transfer coefficients
  • Enhanced heat recovery throughcondensation of moisture
  • Long life due to stable and durablecorrosion resistant materials

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ATHCO-Engineering A/S is a Danish company founded in 1947

Today we are one of the global leadings in advanced heat transfer technology and recovery. We provide substantial energy savings and customized designs, and we cooperate with leading process-engineering companies, where we utilize each other’s equipment and knowledge in order to develop integrated solutions. We cover everything from design, production, instalment and service.

We improve the internal and external environment for the benefit of the individual and the nature

At ATHCO Engineering A/S we are very keen on making a difference for the environment. Not only are the majority of our products focused on the recovery of heat in the process industry, which means that our customers will experience a “greener” company profile, but we also comply with the strict rules and regulations of the Danish Labor Authorities, thereby holding our self responsible to the environment.

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